Matt Hurt fights for landowners’ rights when the government asserts its eminent domain power through condemnation. He understands that the taking of your land can negatively impact your life, business and livelihood. As an experienced litigator with decades of experience representing clients in eminent domain cases, he will boldly stand up for you in court and assert all of your rights. The team at Law Office of Matt Hurt, PLLC, will answer your questions, help you decide how to proceed and guide you through each step of the process.
Don’t Let Eminent Domain Ruin Your Life
The loss of land through eminent domain can adversely affect your life and business in many ways. The government may claim land you had planned to use for future development, negatively impacting the growth of your business. A new road might run so close to your restaurant that patrons can no longer enjoy the outdoor dining area that contributed to your business’ success. Your home could fall along the path of new powerlines or gas pipelines, forcing you to move out. These and other situations are stressful, but Matt Hurt will fight for your rights as a businessperson and landowner.

Matt Hurt, An Experienced Attorney Defending The Rights Of Texas Landowners And Businesses
Help Protect Your Rights As A Business and Landowner
Matt Hurt has been practicing law in the Dallas area for more than 20 years. He focuses his practice in the area of eminent domain and condemnation, protecting the rights and interests of Texas landowners. He understands the complex law governing eminent domain actions and can help you maximize the amount of compensation you receive for your land.

You Deserve Compensation
Matt Hurt has spent over two decades working with landowners to protect their investment and to ensure that they are properly compensated in the event their land is claimed under eminent domain. The legal and factual issues that arise in a condemnation case are numerous and complicated. Having an experienced lawyer and tenacious Texan on your side brings you closer to obtaining a fair result. Matt also has an civil engineering degree, which helps him envision and critically analyze the impact a government project will have on a landowner’s property.
Matt Hurt is on your side.